Become a Donor
New Works Calgary relies on funding from our individual donors and sponsors to bring you top quality new music each year. Please consider joining our growing community of supporters. If you would like to make a donation, send your cheque to New Works Calgary. Thank you for your generosity. A tax receipt will be issued for all donations $25 or more.
Become a member
Become a member or renew your membership to the New Works of Art Calgary Society for 2024-2025!
A membership to the New Works of Art Calgary Society affords you certain rights, including:
An invitation to our Annual General Meeting;
Voting for your Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting;
Voting on Special Resolutions at our Annual General Meeting;
Eligible to become an elected member of the Board of Directors
Note: Memberships payments are not tax deductible.
Membership fees are renewed annually in advance of our Annual General Meeting.
New Works Calgary gratefully thanks the following agencies for their ongoing support: